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2010-06-12 11:24:00| 【 【打印】【关闭】

脉冲星是大质量恒星演化到生命的晚期、引力塌缩后经超新星爆发而形成的高速旋转的磁化中子星。脉冲星的发现是20世纪60年代天文学“四大发现”之一,在现代天体物理中占有极重要的地位,自1967年Jocelyn Bell 女士和Antony Hewish教授发现至今,脉冲星始终是天文学和天体物理学研究领域的热点。

新疆天文台脉冲星组是国内较早成立的脉冲星研究团组,长期致力于脉冲星观测与研究。1996年2月,团队利用乌鲁木齐南山25米射电望远镜实现了我国首次脉冲星的课题观测,开创了中国脉冲星观测研究的先河,随后建立起了国内第一个脉冲星到达时间的观测系统。在对接收机进行制冷升级改造后,2002年起可观测脉冲星的数量从原来的80余颗提高到270余颗;2008年,通过国际合作引进世界先进的脉冲星数字消色散系统(Digital Filter Bank),目前已实现对300颗脉冲星的到达时间监测(包括10余颗毫秒脉冲星),同时还陆续开展了射电旋转暂现源、磁星、脉冲星巡天等观测。团组的主要研究领域覆盖脉冲星到达时间、辐射特性与机制观测研究及脉冲星到达时间应用研究;脉冲星闪烁、银河系电子密度模型(http://www.76399.cn/ymw16);中子星转动模型及热演化、磁星磁场及辐射机制的理论研究。



1. Tong, H.; Xu, R. X.: ” SGR 0418+5729: A Small Inclination Angle Resulting in a Not So Low Dipole Magnetic Field?”, 2012, ApJ, 757L, 10-13.

2. Wang, Jingbo; Wang, Na; Tong, Hao; Yuan, Jianping: “Recent glitches detected in the Crab pulsar”, 2012, Ap&SS, 340, 307-315.

3. Chunhua Zhu; Guoliang Lü; Zhaojun Wang; Na Wang:“Donors of Persistent Neutron-Star Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries”, 2012, PASP, 124, 195-203.

4. Zhang, CaiHong; Wang, Na; Yuan, JianPing; Liu, ZhiYong; Liu, JingNan; Nie, GuiGen: “Timing noise study of four pulsars”, 2012, ScChG, 55, 333-338.

5. Chen, Ding; Zhu, Xing-zhi; Wang, Na:“Research on Ensemble Pulsar Time Based on Observed Data”, 2012, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 36(2), 187-197.

6. Chen, J. L.; Wang, H. G.; Wang, N.; Lyne A.; Liu. Z. Y.; Jessner A.; Yuan J. P.; Kramer, M.: “Long term monitoring of mode switching for PSR B0329+54”, 2011,ApJ, 741, 48-58.

7. Yan, W. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Hobbs, G.; Van Straten, W.; Reynolds, J.; Wang, N. et al.: “Rotation measure variations for 20 millisecond pulsars”, 2011, Ap&SS, 335, 485-498.

8. Yan, W. M.; Manchester, R. N.; Van Straten, W.; Reynolds, J.; Hobbs, G.; Wang, N. et al.: “Polarization observations of 20 millisecond pulsars”, 2011, MNRAS, 414, 2087-2100.

9. Na, X. S.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P.; Liu, Z. Y.; Esamdin, A.; Pan, J.; Xu, R. X.: “Hurst parameter analysis of radio pulsar timing residuals”, 2011, MNRAS, 412, 2678-2684.

10. Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N.; Song, D. L. et al.: “The Effects of Intense Magnetic fields on Landau Levels in a Neutron Star”, 2011, Ap&SS, 334, 281-292.

11. Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P. et al.: “Evolution of Superhigh Magnetic Fields of Magnetars”, 2011, Ap&SS, 333, 427-43.

12. Gao, Z. F.; Wang, N.; Yuan, J. P. el al.: “Numerical Simulation of the Electron Capture Process in a Magnetar Interior”, 2011, Ap&SS, 332, 129-138.

13. Yuan, J. P.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Liu, Z. Y.: “29 glitches detected at Urumqi Observatory”, 2010, MNRAS, 404, 289-304.

14. Yuan, J. P.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, N.; Zhou, X.; Liu, Z. Y.; Gao, Z. F.: “A Very Large Glitch in PSR B2334+61”, 2010, ApJ, 719, 111-115.

15. Gao, Z. F.; Peng, Q. H.; Wang, N.; Chou, C. K.; Huo, W. S.: ”The Landau level-superfluid modified factor and the overal soft X/ γ-ray efficiency coefficient of a magnetar”, 2011, Ap&SS, 336(2), 427-439.

16. Lv, G. L.; Zhu, C. H.; Wang, Z. J; Wang, N.: “An alternative symbiotic channel to type Ia supernovae”, 2009, MNRAS, 1086-1095.

17. Smith, D. A.; Guillemot, L.; Camilo, F.; Cognard, I.; Dumora, D.; Espinoza, C.; Freire, P. C. C.; Gotthelf, E. V.; Harding, A. K.; Hobbs, G. B.; Johnston, S.; Kaspi, V. M.; Kramer, M.; Livingstone, M. A.; Lyne, A. G.; Manchester, R. N.; Marshall, F. E.; McLaughlin, M. A.; Noutsos, A.; Ransom, S. M.; Roberts, M. S. E.; Romani, R. W.; Stappers, B. W.; Theureau, G.; Thompson, D. J.; Thorsett, S. E.; Wang, N.; Weltevrede, P.: “Pulsar Timing for the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope”, 2008, A&A, 492(3), 923-931.

18. Wang, N.; Yan, Z.; Manchester, R. N.; Wang, H. X., “Daily observations of interstellar scintillation in PSR B0329+54”, 2008, MNRAS, 385, 1393-1401.

19. Zou, W. Z.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Urama, J. O.; Hobbs, G.; Liu, Z. Y.; Yuan, J. P., “Observations of six glitches in PSR B1737-30”, 2008, MNRAS, 384, 1063-1068.

20. Esamdin, A.; Zhao, C. S.; Yan, Y.; Wang, N.; Nizamidin, H.; Liu, Z. Y.: “Timing observations of  Rotating Radio Transient J1819-1458 at Urumqi observatory”, 2008, MNRAS, 389, 1399-1404.

21. Wang, N., Manchester, R. N.; Johnston, S.: “Pulsar Nulling and Mode Changing”, 2007, MNRAS, 377, 1383-1392.

22. Wei, Ying-Chun; Peng, Qiu-He; Wu, Xin-Ji; Zhang, Ming; Wang, Na; Zhou, Zhi-Gang; A, Esamdin: “The Influences of the Velocity Distribution and the Thickness Effect of Galactic Disk on the Z-distribution of Normal Pulsars”, 2007, ChJAA, 31(1), 11-20.

23. Liu, Z. Y.; Wang, N.; Urama, J. O.; Manchester, R. N.: “Monitoring of Pulse Intensity and Mode Changing for PSR B0329+54”, 2006, ChJAA, 6(2), 64-67.

24. Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Johnston, S.; Rickett, B.; Zhang, J.; Yusup, A.; Chen, M.: “Long-term Scintillation Observations of five Pulsars at 1540MHz”,  2005, MNRAS, 358, 270-282.

25. Zou, W. Z.; Hobbs, G.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.: “Timing measurements and proper motions of 74 pulsars”, 2005, MNRAS, 362, 1189-1198.

26. Johnston, S.; Ball, L.; Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.: “Radio observations of PSR B1259-63 through the 2004 periastron passage”, 2005, MNRAS, 358, 1069-1075.

27. Wang, N.; Johnston, S.; Manchester, R. N.: “13 years of timing of PSR B1259-63”, 2004, MNRAS, 315, 599-606.

28. Zou, W. Z.; Wang, N.; Wang, H. X.; Manchester, R. N., Wu, X. J. and Zhang, J.: “Unusual glitch behaviours of two young pulsars”, 2004, MNRAS, 354, 811-814.

29. Wang, N.; Manchester, R. N.; Zhang, J.; Wu, X. J.; Yusup, A.; Lyne, A. G.; Cheng, K. S.; Chen, M. Z.: “Pulsar timing at Urumqi Astronomical Observatory: system and results”, 2001, MNRAS, 328, 855-866.

30. Na Wang; R. N. Manchester; Aili Yusup; Xin-Ji Wu; Jin Zhang; Maozheng Chen, “Scintillation observations of strong northern pulsars”, 2001, Ap&SS, 278, 57-60.

31. Wang N.; Manchester, R. N.; Pace R. et. al.: “Glitches in Southern Pulsars”, 2000, MNRAS, 317, 843-860.




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